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1031 Exchange vs. Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund

Published on: January 4, 2024

At 1031 Exchange Place, our expertise spans a wide range of investment strategies that focus on tax deferral, mitigation, and elimination. Among these, the 1031 Exchange and Qualified Opportunity Zone are the most frequently discussed with our clients.

The 1031 Exchange, established in the 1920s and codified under IRC Section 1031, is a cornerstone of tax-deferral tactics. It has empowered investors for nearly a century to sell a variety of assets – including real estate, machinery, vehicles, equipment, artwork, collectibles, livestock, patents, and other intellectual property – without a significant tax burden, provided certain criteria are met.

The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act brought significant changes to the 1031 Exchange, restricting its application exclusively to real property exchanges, which for many translates to real estate investments.

Simultaneously, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act introduced the Qualified Opportunity Zone (QOZ), presenting another avenue for capital gains tax deferral, primarily in real estate. While both 1031 Exchanges and QOZs serve similar tax deferral purposes, our experience indicates they appeal to distinct investor profiles.

Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund Investor Profile

The Qualified Opportunity Zone (QOZ) Fund Investor Profile represents a specific category of investors with distinct characteristics and investment objectives. At 1031 Exchange Place, we’ve identified several key traits that typically define these investors:

  1. Seeking Upside Potential Over Immediate Cash Flow: QOZ Fund Investors are usually more focused on the long-term appreciation potential of their investments rather than immediate cash-on-cash returns. This is because investments in QOZs often involve development projects, which may take time to mature and realize their full market potential.
  2. Preference for Equity Multiples over IRR: These investors tend to prioritize the potential for substantial equity growth over the Internal Rate of Return. Their investment decisions are often guided by the long-term value appreciation of the asset rather than the annualized rate of return.
  3. Longer Investment Horizons: QOZ investments mandate a minimum of ten years holding period to achieve maximum tax benefits. Therefore, investors in this category are typically those with a longer-term outlook, willing to commit their capital for an extended period to leverage the full advantages of the QOZ program.
  4. Diversified Investment Portfolios: QOZ Fund Investors often have a diverse array of assets in their portfolios, not limited to real estate. The tax benefits of QOZ investments apply to capital gains from various sources, including stocks, art, and even the sale of vacation homes or primary residences. This attribute makes the QOZ particularly attractive to high-net-worth individuals and white-collar professionals who have realized capital gains across different investment classes.
  5. Development Project Involvement: Many QOZ investments are tied to development or redevelopment projects within designated opportunity zones. This often means that these investors are funding and supporting the growth or revitalization of underserved or developing areas, aligning financial goals with broader community development objectives.
  6. Tax Incentive Motivated: One of the primary attractions of QOZ investments is the significant tax incentives offered. These include deferral of capital gains taxes and, if held for the required period, potential reduction in the tax obligation on the new gains from the QOZ investment.
  7. Social Impact Considerations: Investors in QOZ funds are sometimes motivated by the potential for social impact, as these investments are directed towards economically distressed communities. The aim is not only to achieve financial returns but also to contribute to the economic development and revitalization of these areas.
  8. Risk Tolerance: Given the nature of development projects and the longer investment horizon, QOZ Fund Investors often exhibit a higher tolerance for risk. They are typically comfortable with the uncertainties and potential for variable returns associated with investing in developing areas and longer-term projects.

In summary, the QOZ Fund Investor Profile describes individuals who are forward-thinking, comfortable with long-term commitments, and driven by the potential for significant equity growth. These investors are also often motivated by the tax benefits and the potential for positive social impact through their investments.

1031 Exchange Investor Profile

The 1031 Exchange Investor Profile encompasses a distinct set of characteristics and investment objectives unique to those utilizing the 1031 Exchange strategy. These investors typically exhibit the following traits:

  1. Focus on Cash Flow and Cash on Cash (CoC) Returns: 1031 Exchange investors prioritize generating steady income and maximizing immediate financial returns from their real estate investments. They are particularly interested in properties that offer reliable and consistent cash flow, making CoC returns a critical metric in their investment decisions.
  2. Emphasis on Internal Rate of Return (IRR): These investors tend to focus more on the IRR, which measures the efficiency and profitability of their investments over time. They often seek properties that not only provide immediate income but also have the potential for value appreciation, thereby increasing their overall rate of return.
  3. Active Real Estate Investment Approach: 1031 Exchange investors are typically hands-on and actively involved in their real estate investments. They often engage in a cycle of buying, improving, and then selling properties (“rinse and repeat”), leveraging the 1031 Exchange to defer capital gains taxes each time they reinvest in a new property.
  4. Interest in Value-Add and Stabilized Properties: This group is inclined towards acquiring properties that either already have stable returns or offer the potential for value addition. This includes multifamily housing, self-storage units, retail spaces, and office buildings. They look for opportunities to enhance the value of these properties through strategic improvements and management.
  5. Real Estate Portfolio Optimization: 1031 Exchange investors often use this strategy to optimize their real estate portfolios. This might involve selling properties that are labor-intensive or have peaked in value and reinvesting the proceeds into more passive investments. Examples include triple net lease (NNN) properties or Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs), which offer more hands-off investment options.
  6. Market Environment Adaptation: These investors are adept at navigating and taking advantage of the current market conditions. They might sell properties in high-demand areas to capitalize on market highs and reinvest in emerging markets or different real estate sectors.
  7. Tax Deferral Strategy: A key motivator for 1031 Exchange investors is the ability to defer capital gains taxes, allowing them to reinvest the full amount of their investment gains into new properties. This tax deferral is a powerful tool for wealth accumulation and portfolio growth over time.
  8. Long-Term Wealth Building: While immediate cash flow is important, 1031 Exchange investors are also focused on building long-term wealth through real estate. By continually reinvesting in properties and deferring taxes, they aim to increase their investment portfolio’s value and generate sustainable income streams.

In summary, the 1031 Exchange Investor Profile is characterized by individuals who are actively involved in their real estate investments, focused on immediate and efficient returns, and adept at using the 1031 Exchange mechanism to optimize their portfolio and defer taxes for long-term wealth accumulation. These investors are strategic in their approach, seeking properties that offer both immediate income and potential for value appreciation.

1031 & QOZ Investor Profile Comparison

The investor profiles for Qualified Opportunity Zone (QOZ) Fund Investors and 1031 Exchange Investors, as outlined above, share some similarities but also exhibit key differences. Here’s a comparative analysis:


  1. Real Estate Focus: Both investor types are primarily engaged in real estate investments. Whether through development projects in QOZs or acquiring existing properties via 1031 Exchanges, real estate is a central component of their investment strategies.
  2. Tax Incentive Motivation: Each group is significantly motivated by tax benefits. QOZ investors are attracted by the deferral and potential reduction of capital gains taxes, while 1031 Exchange investors focus on deferring capital gains taxes through property reinvestments.
  3. Long-Term Investment Perspective: Both types of investors generally exhibit a long-term outlook on their investments. QOZ investments require a 10-year commitment for maximum tax benefits, and 1031 Exchange investors often hold their properties over extended periods to maximize returns and benefit from tax deferrals.


  1. Investment Objectives: QOZ Fund Investors often seek higher upside potential and are less concerned with immediate cash flow. In contrast, 1031 Exchange Investors prioritize generating immediate and ongoing cash flow through their investments.
  2. Risk Tolerance and Investment Type: QOZ investments typically involve a higher risk, often in development projects within economically distressed areas. 1031 Exchange investments are generally more conservative, focusing on stable, income-producing properties.
  3. Investment Horizon and Liquidity: QOZ Fund Investors are bound to a minimum 10-year investment period for optimal benefits, which can impact liquidity. 1031 Exchange Investors, while often long-term, have more flexibility to liquidate and reinvest as opportunities arise.
  4. Portfolio Composition: QOZ investors often have diversified portfolios across various asset types, attracted by the broader tax benefits on capital gains. 1031 Exchange investors are usually more real estate-centric, using their expertise in this sector to optimize returns.
  5. Active Involvement: 1031 Exchange Investors are typically more actively involved in managing their real estate investments, often engaging in value-add activities. QOZ Fund Investors might be less hands-on, especially if they invest in funds managed by others.
  6. Investment Metrics: QOZ Fund Investors focus on equity multiples and long-term value appreciation, while 1031 Exchange Investors are more inclined towards Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Cash on Cash (CoC) returns as measures of investment success.
  7. Community Impact: QOZ investments are specifically designed to spur economic growth in designated areas, often leading to significant community impact. While 1031 Exchanges can also contribute to community development, this is not their primary focus or a defining feature of the investments.

In essence, while both QOZ Fund Investors and 1031 Exchange Investors are engaged in real estate with an eye toward tax advantages, they differ in their risk profiles, investment strategies, involvement levels, and specific financial goals.

Unlock the Potential of Your Investment Future Today!

At 1031 Exchange Place, we specialize in guiding savvy investors like you through the intricate pathways of real estate investment strategies. Whether you’re drawn to the transformative opportunities of Qualified Opportunity Zones or the time-tested efficiency of 1031 Exchanges, our expert team is here to turn your investment aspirations into reality. Don’t let another day pass by without maximizing your investment potential. Contact us now to explore how we can tailor these powerful investment tools to align with your unique financial goals. Take the first step towards a more prosperous future – reach out to 1031 Exchange Place today!

Authored By:

1031 Exchange Advisor

Nicholas has been a dynamic figure in the 1031 exchange industry since 2007. With over two decades of experience in marketing and web development, Nicholas has demonstrated his entrepreneurial spirit by owning an INC 500 company and maintaining a multi-year presence in the INC 5000 list. He is renowned for his dedication and passion for his work. Outside of his professional endeavors, Nicholas is a devoted father to two teenage boys. Together, they share a love for mountain biking and exploring the outdoors on their ATVs every weekend. Nicholas’s commitment to excellence is evident in both his career and personal life.