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REIT Investing for Beginners

Published on: December 20, 2023

Introduction to REIT Investing

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) offer a unique and accessible means for individual investors to enter the world of real estate investment. These trusts own, operate, or finance income-producing real estate and provide a way to invest in a portfolio of properties without the need for direct property ownership.

What are REITs?

REITs are companies that own, and often manage, income-producing real estate assets. Established by Congress in 1960, REITs were designed to make real estate investment accessible to everyday investors. REITs can be publicly traded on major stock exchanges, publicly registered but non-listed, or private.

Key Characteristics of REITs:

  • Income Distribution: By law, REITs must distribute at least 90% of their taxable income to shareholders annually in the form of dividends.
  • Liquidity: Publicly traded REITs offer high liquidity compared to traditional real estate investments, as shares can be bought and sold on the stock market.
  • Diversification: Investing in REITs can add diversity to an investment portfolio, potentially reducing risk.

Benefits of REIT Investing

REITs present several advantages for investors looking to add real estate to their portfolios.

Advantages include:

  1. Accessibility: REITs allow investment in real estate without the need to buy, manage, or finance properties directly.
  2. Dividend Income: Due to their requirement to distribute a majority of income, REITs can provide a steady stream of dividend income.
  3. Portfolio Diversification: Real estate often has a low correlation with other asset classes, making REITs a good tool for diversification.
  4. Transparency and Regulation: Publicly traded REITs are subject to SEC regulations and offer transparency in their operations and financial reporting.

Understanding the Risks

While REITs offer many benefits, they are not without risks.

Key Risks include:

  • Market Fluctuations: REIT values can be volatile, affected by changes in the real estate market and the broader economy.
  • Interest Rate Sensitivity: Some REITs, especially mortgage REITs, can be sensitive to interest rate changes.
  • Property-Specific Risks: Certain types of properties within a REIT’s portfolio may face market or regulatory challenges.

How REITs Work

REITs generate income primarily through leasing space and collecting rents on the properties they own or finance. This income is then distributed to shareholders as dividends. REITs span various sectors, including residential, commercial, healthcare, and more, each offering different risk/return profiles.

Getting Started with REIT Investing

For beginners, starting with REIT investing involves:

  1. Learning about REITs: Understanding what REITs are and how they operate.
  2. Researching: Investigating different types of REITs and their performance.
  3. Assessing Personal Investment Goals: Aligning REIT choices with personal investment objectives and risk tolerance.
  4. Consulting Financial Advisors: Seeking advice from financial experts, especially for more complex REIT investments such as those involved in 1031 exchanges or UPREITs.

REIT investing provides an accessible path to real estate investment, offering potential income through dividends and capital appreciation. By understanding the basics of REITs, their benefits and risks, and how they fit into an overall investment strategy, beginners can make informed decisions about incorporating REITs into their portfolios. As with all investments, it’s important to conduct thorough research and consider seeking advice from financial professionals.

Understanding Different Types of REITs

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) come in various forms, each with its own investment focus and strategies. Understanding the differences among them is crucial for investors to align their investments with their financial goals and risk tolerance.

Equity REITs

Equity REITs are the most common type of REITs. They purchase, own, and manage income-generating real estate properties. The revenue of these REITs primarily comes from leasing space within their real estate holdings, which can include office buildings, shopping malls, apartments, hotels, resorts, self-storage facilities, warehouses, and hospitals.

Characteristics of Equity REITs:

  • Income Source: Rental income from properties.
  • Property Types: Diverse range including commercial, residential, and industrial.
  • Growth Potential: Can grow through property value appreciation and reinvestment in more properties.
  • Investor Appeal: Attractive for those seeking regular income through dividends and potential capital appreciation.

Mortgage REITs (mREITs)

Mortgage REITs focus on the financing of real estate rather than owning the real estate itself. They either lend money directly to real estate owners and operators or invest in existing mortgages or mortgage-backed securities. Their income is generated primarily from the interest earned on these financial assets.

Characteristics of Mortgage REITs:

  • Income Source: Interest payments on mortgage loans or mortgage-backed securities.
  • Interest Rate Sensitivity: More sensitive to interest rate fluctuations than Equity REITs.
  • Higher Yields: Often offer higher dividend yields, but with higher risk, especially in fluctuating interest rate environments.
  • Investor Appeal: Suitable for investors looking for higher income and who are comfortable with higher risk levels.

Hybrid REITs

Hybrid REITs combine the investment strategies of both equity REITs and mortgage REITs. They own and manage properties and also hold mortgage-backed securities. This diversification allows them to earn income both from property rents and interest on loans.

Characteristics of Hybrid REITs:

  • Diversified Income Sources: Combination of rental income and interest income.
  • Risk Balance: A blend of the higher risk of mortgage REITs and the stability of equity REITs.
  • Flexibility: Ability to shift focus between physical property and mortgage investments depending on market conditions.
  • Investor Appeal: Attractive to investors who want a balance of income and growth with a moderate risk profile.

Specialty REITs

Specialty REITs focus on specific types of properties or niches within the real estate market. These can include healthcare facilities, data centers, cell towers, and infrastructure. They offer unique investment opportunities and can be influenced by different market factors than more traditional real estate.

Characteristics of Specialty REITs:

  • Focused Investment: Concentrate on specific types of properties or sectors.
  • Market Specificity: Performance is closely tied to the specific sector they invest in (e.g., healthcare, technology).
  • Unique Opportunities: Can offer unique growth and income opportunities not found in traditional real estate sectors.
  • Investor Appeal: Ideal for investors looking to capitalize on trends or growth in specific sectors.

Public Non-Traded REITs

Public non-traded REITs are registered with the SEC but do not trade on national stock exchanges. They offer some of the benefits of real estate investment without the volatility of the stock market. However, they often have higher fees and limited liquidity.

Characteristics of Public Non-Traded REITs:

  • Reduced Market Volatility: Not subject to daily market price fluctuations.
  • Liquidity Considerations: Generally have limited liquidity compared to publicly traded REITs.
  • Higher Fees: Can have higher fees and complex structures.
  • Investor Appeal: Suitable for investors who can commit capital for a longer period and are looking for stability over liquidity.

Each type of REIT presents unique opportunities and risks. Equity REITs are generally more focused on property management and development, offering potential for income and capital appreciation. Mortgage REITs provide higher income potential but are more sensitive to interest rate changes. Hybrid REITs offer a balance of these characteristics. Specialty REITs allow investors to focus on specific sectors, while public non-traded REITs offer reduced market volatility at the cost of liquidity and potentially higher fees. Understanding these nuances helps investors make informed decisions in line with their investment objectives and risk tolerance.

How to Invest in REITs

Investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) offers individuals a pathway to participate in the real estate market without owning physical properties. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to start investing in REITs.

1. Research and Education

Before investing in REITs, it’s essential to educate yourself about their nature, benefits, and risks. Understanding the different types of REITs (such as equity, mortgage, hybrid, and specialty REITs) and how they operate is crucial.

Key Research Areas:

  • Types of REITs: Learn about equity, mortgage, hybrid, and specialty REITs.
  • Industry Sectors: Understand the different sectors within the REIT universe like residential, commercial, healthcare, etc.
  • Performance Metrics: Familiarize yourself with key performance indicators such as Funds from Operations (FFO), Dividend Yield, and Total Return.
  • Market Trends: Stay informed about the current trends and economic factors affecting the real estate market and REITs.

2. Assess Risks and Set Goals

REITs, like any investment, come with risks. Assess your risk tolerance and set clear investment goals.

Risk Assessment:

  • Market Volatility: REITs can be subject to market swings.
  • Interest Rate Sensitivity: Especially for mortgage REITs, changes in interest rates can impact performance.
  • Sector-Specific Risks: Certain sectors may have unique risks, like regulatory changes in healthcare REITs.

Setting Goals:

  • Income vs. Growth: Decide if you’re more interested in regular income through dividends or long-term capital appreciation.
  • Investment Horizon: Determine your investment timeline.
  • Diversification: Consider how REITs fit into your broader investment portfolio.

3. Selecting REITs

Choosing the right REITs requires careful analysis. Look for REITs with a strong track record, stable management, and a clear strategy.

Selection Criteria:

  • Financial Health: Examine financial statements and key metrics like FFO, debt-to-equity ratio, and occupancy rates.
  • Dividend History: Check the consistency and growth of dividend payments.
  • Management Quality: Research the track record and experience of the REIT’s management team.
  • Growth Strategy: Understand the REIT’s strategy for growth and how it aligns with market trends.

4. Purchase Shares

REITs can be purchased just like other stocks through a brokerage account.

Buying Process:

  • Brokerage Account: If you don’t already have one, open a brokerage account.
  • Trading Platform: Familiarize yourself with the trading platform provided by your broker.
  • Order Types: Understand different order types like market orders, limit orders, etc.
  • Initial Investment: Decide on the amount you want to initially invest.

5. Monitoring and Rebalancing

Investing in REITs is not a “set it and forget it” endeavor. Regular monitoring and occasional rebalancing are key.


  • Performance Tracking: Keep an eye on the performance of your REITs in relation to the overall market.
  • Sector Changes: Stay informed about changes in the sectors your REITs are invested in.
  • Dividend Payments: Track the dividend payments and any changes in dividend policy.


  • Portfolio Balance: Ensure your REIT investments remain aligned with your overall portfolio strategy.
  • Adjusting Holdings: Consider buying more, holding, or selling REIT shares based on performance and changes in your investment strategy.

6. Utilizing Professional Services

For more complex REIT investments, like those involved in 1031 exchanges or UPREITs, professional services such as 1031 Exchange Place can be invaluable. They offer expertise in navigating the tax implications and structuring of such investments.

Professional Assistance:

  • 1031 Exchanges: Get guidance on deferring capital gains tax through a like-kind exchange.
  • UPREIT Investments: Understand the process and benefits of converting property ownership into shares of a REIT.

Investing in REITs requires a blend of research, strategic planning, and ongoing management. By understanding the nature of REITs, assessing personal investment goals and risk tolerance, carefully selecting and monitoring investments, and possibly seeking professional guidance, beginners can navigate the REIT market and potentially enjoy its benefits as part of a diversified investment portfolio.

REIT Investing Strategies for Beginners

For beginners stepping into the world of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), developing a strategic approach is crucial for success. Here are key strategies to consider when investing in REITs:

1. Start with Education

Understanding the basics of REITs is the first step. Know what REITs are, how they operate, the different types, and the general market dynamics.

Educational Focus:

  • REIT Basics: Learn how REITs generate income and how they distribute dividends.
  • Market Trends: Keep up with trends in the real estate market and how they might impact various types of REITs.
  • Regulatory Environment: Understand the legal and regulatory framework governing REITs.

2. Define Your Investment Goals

Your investment strategy should align with your overall financial goals.

Goal Setting:

  • Income Generation: If your goal is regular income, focus on REITs with a strong history of dividend payments.
  • Capital Appreciation: If long-term growth is your aim, look for REITs with the potential for asset value increase.
  • Risk Tolerance: Balance your goals with your willingness to take on risk.

3. Diversification Within REIT Investments

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversifying your REIT investments can help manage risk.

Diversification Strategies:

  • By Type: Invest in a mix of equity, mortgage, and hybrid REITs.
  • By Sector: Diversify across different property types such as residential, commercial, healthcare, etc.
  • Geographically: Consider REITs that own properties in different geographic regions to spread risk.

4. Long-Term Perspective

Real estate is typically a long-term investment. REITs, while more liquid, also benefit from a long-term perspective.

Long-Term Strategy:

  • Patience: Be prepared to hold onto your REIT investments through market cycles.
  • Reinvestment of Dividends: Consider reinvesting dividends for compounded growth.

5. Monitor and Adjust Portfolio

Regularly review and adjust your REIT investments to ensure they stay aligned with your goals.

Monitoring Tactics:

  • Performance Review: Regularly check the performance of your REITs against benchmarks.
  • Market Changes: Stay informed about changes in the real estate market and the broader economy that could impact your investments.
  • Rebalancing: Adjust your portfolio as needed to maintain your desired level of diversification.

6. Utilize Tax Advantages

Understand the tax implications of REIT investing and how to use them to your advantage.

Tax Considerations:

  • Dividend Taxation: Know how dividends from REITs are taxed.
  • 1031 Exchange: For more advanced investors, consider the benefits of a 1031 exchange to defer capital gains taxes.

7. Seek Professional Advice

Especially when starting out, getting advice from financial advisors or real estate investment professionals can be invaluable.

Professional Guidance:

  • Financial Advisors: Can provide personalized advice based on your financial situation.
  • REIT Specialists: Experts in REITs can offer insights into specific investments and market trends.

8. Start Small and Scale

Begin with a small investment in REITs and increase your exposure as you gain experience and confidence.

Scaling Approach:

  • Initial Investment: Start with a manageable investment.
  • Incremental Increases: Gradually increase your investment in REITs over time.

Investing in REITs as a beginner requires a blend of education, strategic planning, and ongoing portfolio management. By understanding the basics, setting clear goals, diversifying investments, maintaining a long-term view, monitoring performance, understanding tax implications, seeking professional advice, and scaling investments over time, beginners can navigate the REIT market effectively. This approach can help mitigate risks while taking advantage of the unique opportunities that REITs offer.

1031 Exchange and UPREIT Opportunities

Understanding 1031 Exchanges

A 1031 exchange, named after Section 1031 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, allows investors to defer paying capital gains taxes on the exchange of certain types of properties. This provision is particularly relevant in real estate investing and can be an effective strategy for REIT investors.

Key Aspects of 1031 Exchanges:

  • Like-Kind Property: The exchange must involve “like-kind” properties, which generally means real estate for real estate.
  • Deferred Taxes: Capital gains taxes on the sale of a property are deferred if the proceeds are reinvested in a like-kind property.
  • Time Limits: There are specific time limits within which the new property must be identified and the exchange completed.
  • Qualified Intermediary: A neutral third party, known as a qualified intermediary, must facilitate the exchange.

Partnering with 1031 Exchange Place

1031 Exchange Place specializes in assisting investors with 1031 exchanges. They offer expertise in navigating these complex transactions.

Services Offered:

  • Guidance on Eligibility: Determining if properties and transactions qualify for a 1031 exchange.
  • Facilitation of the Exchange: Managing the exchange process and ensuring compliance with legal requirements.
  • Strategic Planning: Helping investors plan their exchanges in a way that aligns with their investment goals.

Investing in UPREITs

UPREIT stands for Umbrella Partnership Real Estate Investment Trust. This investment structure offers a tax-deferred way to transfer property ownership.

Features of UPREITs:

  • Property Contributions: Property owners can contribute their real estate to an UPREIT in exchange for operating partnership units.
  • Tax Deferral: The transfer of property to an UPREIT can defer capital gains taxes.
  • Liquidity and Diversification: UPREITs provide liquidity and diversification, as the units can eventually be converted into REIT shares.

How 1031 Exchange Place Can Assist with UPREITs

1031 Exchange Place provides specialized services to investors considering UPREIT investments.

Assistance Includes:

  • Evaluating Options: Helping investors understand if an UPREIT is the right choice for their portfolio.
  • Navigating the Process: Guiding investors through the complexities of UPREIT transactions.
  • Tax Implications: Advising on the tax considerations and potential benefits of UPREIT investments.

Combining 1031 Exchanges and UPREITs

Investors can potentially combine the benefits of 1031 exchanges and UPREITs. For example, an investor might use a 1031 exchange to defer capital gains tax on a property sale and then invest the proceeds into an UPREIT for further diversification and liquidity.

Strategic Considerations:

  • Timing and Compliance: Navigating the timing and compliance requirements of both 1031 exchanges and UPREIT transactions.
  • Long-Term Strategy: Aligning these investment strategies with long-term real estate and financial goals.
  • Professional Advice: Working with experts like 1031 Exchange Place to optimize these strategies.

Invest in a UPREIT with 1031 Exchange Place

REIT investing offers a unique opportunity for beginners to gain exposure to real estate with the liquidity and convenience of stock investing. By understanding the types of REITs, strategies for investing, and the role of services like 1031 Exchange Place in facilitating exchanges and UPREIT investments, beginners and professionals can make informed decisions and potentially enjoy consistent returns and dividends. As with any investment, it is important to conduct thorough research and consider individual risk tolerance and investment goals.


Authored By:

1031 Investment Advisor

Nate oversees the daily operations, business development, and strategy for 1031 Exchange Place. He became interested in real estate from a young age due to his father's influence. After earning his real estate license at 18, Nate worked in the 1031 industry, focusing on business development through a unique white-labeling model. Following a religious mission in Taiwan, he continued in the industry until the 2008/2009 real estate crash. During the downturn, Nate pursued entrepreneurship and marketing, working with startups and outdoor companies. As the 1031 market recovered, he returned to work with his father, aiming to provide a more personalized experience for clients. Nate is passionate about outdoor activities and spends his free time with his wife and four sons, enjoying fly fishing, skiing, backpacking, rock climbing, and riding dirt bikes.